Andrew Pickett - Voice (Early Music)

Counter-tenor Andrew Pickett's singing has been described by Opera Today as “the sweetest liquid legato.” He received his Master of Music from the University of Western Ontario, and then spent four years in the UK, earning a graduate diploma at the Royal College of Music and studying with such notable experts in the vocal Baroque as Dame Emma Kirkby, James Bowman, and Michael Chance. Andrew has performed major roles in operas by Handel, Monteverdi, Cavalli, Purcell and Jonathan Dove, and been a soloist in works by Purcell, Charpentier, Handel, Britten, and Bach in the UK, Europe, and Canada. He is an alumnus of the National Youth Choir of Canada and the Tafelmusik Chamber Choir. Andrew lives in Halifax where he works as a voice teacher and early music clinician, and was a former president of the Early Music Society of Nova Scotia. He sings in the ensemble Helios, Atlantic Canada’s premier vocal ensemble, performing sacred and secular music from the Renaissance and beyond. They made their début in early 2015 with “Madrigal Mystery Tour”, for the Conference of the Early Modern at the University of King’s College, and released their first CD, “An Illuminated Christmas”, in December 2016.

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